Saturday, February 19, 2011

Minu elutee number 11

Arvutasin oma elutee numbri.
Sünnikuupäev on 20.12.1986.
Kahekohaline number tuleb taandada ühekohaliseks järgmiselt: 2+9=11
Raamatust "Avasta Atlantis" kohaselt lk 202 arvud sünnikuupäevas taandatakse ühekohaliseks numbriks, välja arvatud juhul, kui tegemist on ühega meisternumbritest 11, 22, 33 ja 44.

Minu elutee number on seega 11.
Elu eesmärk:
Kasvada vaimselt
Olla sõnasaatjaks
Kasutada oma fantaasiat
Arendada oma intuitsiooni
Tutvuda okultismiga


Tunnengi, et liigun õiges suunas.

Ja inglise keeles veel number 11-st.

No: 11
Positive Traits : The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It is associated with idealistic concepts and rather spiritual issues. Accordingly, it is a number with potentials that are somewhat more difficult to live up to. You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor. No matter what area of work you pursue, you are very aware and sensitive to the highest sense of your environment. Your intuition is very strong; in fact, many psychic people and those involved in occult studies have the number 11 expression. You possess a good mind with keen analytical ability. Because of this you can probably succeed in most lines of work, however, you will do better and be happier outside of the business world. Oddly enough, even here you generally succeed, owing to your often original and unusual approach. Nonetheless, you are more content working with your ideals, rather than dollars and cents.The positive aspect of the number 11 expression is an always idealistic attitude. Your thinking is long term, and you are able to grasp the far-reaching effects of actions and plans. You are disappointed by the shortsighted views of many of your contemporaries. You are deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or of beauty in any form.

Negative Traits : The negative attitudes associated with the number 11 expression include a continuous sense of nervous tension; you may be too sensitive and temperamental. You tend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality sometimes become intermingled and you are sometimes very impractical. You tend to want to spread the illumination of your knowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need.


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