Thursday, June 7, 2012

Saade farmaatsia ja psühhiaatria võimalikust koostoimest

Eile tuli ETV pealt huvitav saade – Hüperaktiivsus: kasvatamatus või psüühikahäire.

Saatetutvustuse kohaselt diagnoositi peaaegu 60 aastat tagasi esimesed ATH – aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire – haigusjuhtumid ning haigestunute arv kasvas kiiresti. Mõne aasta pärast registreeriti ainuüksi Ameerikas 8-15 miljonit selle all kannatavat last. Mis haigusega on ikkagi tegemist? Aastaid vaieldakse teadusringkondades selle üle, kas ATH on haigus või kasvatamatus. On see geneetiline häire? Kuidas mõjutab last keskkond? Kuidas ravida: kas psühhotroopsete ravimite või käitumisteraapiaga? Või on ATHd lihtsalt üle hinnatud.

Saates näidatud inimesed, kes olid kasutanud ravimeid, väitsid, et ravimi toime ajal tunneks nad end justkui teistsuguste inimestena. Lapse ema ütles, et laps oleks nagu teine. Üks noormees ütles, et tunneb siis end emotsionaalselt külmemana ja et temas oleks justkui teistsugune inimene. Tõsi, keskendumisvõime oli ravimi kasutamise ajal suurem.

Kui õigesti mäletan, siis saate kohaselt olevat üks farmaatsiatööstuse juhte aastakümneid tagasi öelnud, et tal on kahju sellest, et ravimeid ei saa kõigile müüa ning olevat väitnud, et oleks tore, kui neid saaks müüa kõigile samamoodi nagu nätsu vms. Kui juba selline inimene niisuguse mõtteviisiga on...

Saates rääkis üks spetsialist, et tema arvates on haigusi järjest enam juurde mõeldud. Alati kui on nimetatud uus haigus, pidavat sellele peatselt ka ravim olemas olema. Arvatakse, et farmaatsiatööstus lasebki mõelda ärieesmärgil haigusi välja, et sellest ärilist kasu saada – koostöös siis psühhiaatria ja farmaatsiatööstus. Saates leiti, et tänapäeval ongi raske normaalne olla ning igale emotsionaalsele väljendusele või väljendamata jätmisele pannakse varsti diagnoos, millele järgneb medikamentide kasutamine.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Flourist ja selle seosest käbinäärmega (leidub hambapastas, vähendab intuitsiooni)

Fluor on keemiline element järjenumbriga 9. Ta reageerib ägedalt paljude liht- ja liitainetega.

Inimkehale (nii limaskestadele kui ka nahale) mõjub fluor söövitavalt. Fluor on elementide levikult Maal 17. ja maakoores 13. kohal (0,065% maakoores), teda leidub suuremates kogustes kui näiteks kloori (0,055% maakoores), vaske või pliid.

Kõrge aktiivsus välistab vaba elemendi esinemise looduses. Enamus fluorist leidub mitmesuguste kivimite ja mineraalide koostises. Vähem leidub teda ookeanides, järvedes, jõgedes, mineraalveeallikates ja teistes loodusliku vee vormides, luudes, hammastes, imetajate veres ja taimedes.

Tuntakse üle 100 fluori sisaldava mineraali, millest tähtsaimad on fluoriit (vanemas kirjanduses ka sulapagu) CaF2 , krüoliit Na3AlF6 ja fluorapatiit Ca5(PO4)3F. Nendest on siiski vaid fluoriit ulatuslikult kasutusel vaba fluori ja fluoriühendite tööstuslikuks saamiseks. Selle lademeid leidub palju Euroopas, Venemaal, USA-s, Mehhikos ja Hiinas. Peamine fluoriidi kasutusvaldkond on terasetööstus, vesinikfluoriidhappe ja krüoliidi tootmine ning keraamikatööstus.

Fluori sisaldub ka paljudes haruldasemates mineraalides, nagu topaas Al2SiO4(OH,F)2, sellaiit MgF2, viliaumiit NaF, bastnaesiit (Ce,La)(CO3)F, vilgukivi, küünekivi (amfibool), turmaliin jt.


1)Fluoride's ability to damage the brain represents one of the most active areas of research on fluoride toxicity today.

2) The research on fluoride and the brain has been fueled by 18 human studies from China, India, Iran, and Mexico finding elevated levels of fluoride exposure to be associated with IQ deficits in children. Fluoride's impact on IQ is exacerbated among children with low-iodine exposure.

3) The impact of fluoride on children's IQ has been documented even after controlling for children's lead exposure, iodine exposure, parental education and income status, and other known factors that might impact the results (Rocha-Amador 2007; Xiang 2003 a,b).

4) In addition to IQ studies, 3 studies (Yu 1996; Du 1992; Han 1989) have found that fluoride accumulates in the brain of the fetus, causing damage to cells and neurotransmitters and 1 study (Li 2004) has found a correlation between exposure to fluoride during fetal development and behavioral deficits among neonates.

5) Several recent studies have found that even adult exposures to fluoride may result in central nervous system disturbances, particularly among industrial workers.

5) The findings of neurological effects in fluoride-exposed humans is consistent with, and strengthened by, recent findings from over 40 animal studies published since 1992. As with the studies on humans, the studies on animals have reported an impairment in learning and memory prorcesses among the fluoride-treated groups.

6) The animal studies have also documented considerable evidence of direct toxic effects of fluoride on brain tissue, even at levels as low as 1 ppm fluoride in water (Varner 1998). These effects include: -- reduction in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;
-- reduction in lipid content;
-- impaired anti-oxidant defense systems;
-- damage to the hippocampus;
-- damage to the purkinje cells;
-- increased uptake of aluminum;
-- formation of beta-amyloid plaques (the classic brain abnormality in Alzheimer's disease);
-- exacerbation of lesions induced by iodine deficiency; and -- accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland.


Fluoride and the pineal gland. Luke published.

Dear All,

The wheels of science grind very slowly. Finally, the first half of the work that was the subject of Jennifer Luke's Ph.D. thesis; presentation in Bellingham, Washington (ISFR conference) in 1998 and a videotaped interview I had with her (see, has been published in Caries Research (see abstract below). In my view this work is of enormous importance and could be (or should be) the scientific straw that breaks the camel's back of fluoridation.

Many of our subscribers are familiar with the details but let me repeat them here. When Luke found out that the pineal gland - a little gland in the center of the brain, responsible for a very large range of regulating activities (it produces serotonin and melatonin) -was also a calcifying tissue, like the teeth and the bones, she hypothesized it would concentrate fluoride to very high levels.

The gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier and has a very high perfusion rate of blood, second only to the kidney. Luke had 11 cadavers analyzed in the UK. As she predicted she found astronomically high levels of fluoride in the calcium hydroxy apatite crystals produced by the gland.

The average was 9000 ppm and went as high as 21,000 in one case. These levels are at, or higher, than fluoride levels in the bones of people suffering from skeletal fluorosis. It is these findings which have just been published. It is the ramifications of these findings which have yet to be published. In the second half of her work she treated animals (Mongolian gerbils) with fluoride at a crack pineal gland research unit at the University of Surrey, UK (so there is no question about the quality of this work).

She found that melatonin production (as measured by the concentration of a melatonin metabolite in the urine) was lower in the animals treated with high fluoride levels compared with those treated with low levels. Luke hypothesizes that one of the four enzymes needed to convert the amino acid tryptophan (from the diet) into melatonin is being inhibited by fluoride. It could be one of the two enzymes which convert tryptophan to serotonin or one of the two which convert serotonin to melatonin. Significance? Huge.

Melatonin is reponsible for regulating all kinds of activities and there is a vast amount of work investigating its possible roles in aging, cancer and many other life processes. The one activity that Luke is particularly interested in is the onset of puberty. The highest levels of melatonin ( produced only at night) is generated in young children. It is thought that it is the fall of these melatonin levels which acts like a biological clock and triggers the onset of puberty. In her gerbil study she found that the high fluoride treated animals were reaching puberty earlier than the low fluoride ones. We know from recent studies - and considerable press coverage - that young girls are reaching puberty earlier and earlier in the US. Luke is not saying that fluoride (or fluoridation) is the cause but her work waves a very worrying red flag.

Fluoride's role in earlier puberty needs more thorough investigation. Of an interesting historical note, in the Newburgh versus Kingston fluoridation trial (1945-1955), it was found that the girls in fluoridated Newburgh were reaching menstruation, on average, five months earlier than the girls in unfluoridated Kingston, but the result was not thought to be significant at the time (Schlessinger et al, 1956). When one considers the seriousness of a possible interference by fluoride on a growing child's pineal gland (and for that matter, elderly pineal glands) it underlines the recklessness of fluoridation.

The precautionary principle would say, as would basic common sense, that you don't take these kind of risks with our children for a benefit which, at best, amounts to 0.6 tooth surfaces out of 128 tooth surfaces in a child's mouth (Brunelle and Carlos, 1990, Table 6). I have a copy of Luke's Ph.D. thesis and would be willing to share it with those who have a serious scientific interest in this issue.

The other references cited above can be found in my Statement of Concern which is published on the FAN webpage:

Paul Connett
